Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Daniel Rozin – Weave Mirror
all of Rozin’s projects are extremely well engineered examples of physical computing. the weave mirror is a particularly beautiful expression of the integration of the digital & physical realms that expresses the reexamination of a very simple everyday object.


Todd Vanderlin – Sount Fountain
using water as an audio interface. audio samples are played when one interacts with the streams of water. interesting audio compositions in the video on the website remind me of electronic musicians such as Boards of Canada.


Calum Scott – guitarglitch2
musical composition with solenoids! such an interesting dichotomy between the sweet tones of nylon strings vs. cold mechanical clicks. & a very interesting piece of music is the result.


Christiane Keller – dataMetamorphose
a project which aims to equate physical characteristics like tension & motion to data sets. elegant execution & an interesting film.


Alex Beim – Pixel Box Two
intriguing visual effect from a rather simple concept. it would be neat to see the lights use audio input.